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Consider this the "Vince Bono Blog" of sorts. This will be where "The
Playboy" posts his thoughts on a variety of topics that affect him both
professionally and personally. Please note anything located on this
particular page is the most insightful look at Vince Bono available today!
April 8 2006
Exclusive One-on-One Interview with Vince
Bono (by Jeff)
Jeff: Good evening Mr.
Bono and Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to conduct this
exclusive one-on-one interview for your website
Vince Bono:
Jeff: What or who mad you want to become a professional
Jeff: In your nine, almost 10 years as a professional
wrestler, who would you say has been most influential to you and your career?
Jeff: Talk about some of the injuries that you have sustained
during your career.
Jeff: If I could see Vince Bono and spend time with him
outside the ring, what would I see? In other words, what is a typical day
in the life of Vince Bono?
Jeff: Describe your workout routine. How often do you
implement it?
Jeff: What type of diet do you keep to maintain your slim 175
Jeff: If Vince Bono could have dinner with any five
non-professional wrestlers (living or dead) who would you select and why?
Jeff: Let me put a twist on the previous question. If you could have
dinner with any five professional wrestlers (living or dead) who would you
select and why?
Jeff: Take me inside the mind of Vince Bono before, during and
after a match. What are you thinking?
Jeff: Was there ever a time in your career when you felt like
giving up wrestling? If so, why and what made you decide to stay with it?
Jeff: What is in your CD player right now? Exclude your
theme song Hot In Herre by Nelly.
Jeff: This is one exclusively for the female heartbreakers and
you know it's on their minds. There is no need to show me, but is it
boxers or briefs?
Jeff: Being the "Playboy" Who is your favorite Playboy
Playmate and why?
Jeff: What would you say to someone who wants to become a
professional wrestler? What advice or words of wisdom would you give them?
Jeff: What would you say are the major differences between
attending an independent wrestling show that you would be a part of as opposed
to attending a WWE show that someone like your favorite wrestler, Triple H would
take part in?
February 8, 2006
Vince Bono on a Fan Injury
I've been in this business for nine years and in those
years, my wife has supported me at every appearance since I started this thing.
She never once complained about what I do or how I do it. She's attended
every show since the beginning of my career and has yet to have been injured or
even remotely placed in harms way. Jack Bailey changed that on February 4,
2006. His intent was to hit me with a hipbuster from the apron to
the floor using a steel chair. While he did hit me, his chair first
connected with my wife before hitting me. This resulted in her suffering a
broken arm and a concussion as diagnosed by WPW Ringside Doctor, John Manubay.
When I go to the ring, I'm in character, but no matter how much I try to be in
character about what happened, I just can't seem to bring myself to comprehend
that my wife of 13 years was injured on something that I could have prevented.
People say wrestling is entertainment, but in the life of a professional
wrestler, entertainment can quickly turn into tragedy. This will never,
ever happen again. I vow to my wife and my family that I will not allow
Jack Bailey or anyone else, for that matter to come remotely close to doing
anything like this ever again. Whether that means I go to the hospital or
even further, I guarantee nothing like that will happen to those that are close
to me!